Viana - The "Best" lamp factory belonging to the Huaxiang group produces 60,000 light bulbs per day, the factory CEO Weng Lin Xiang said Monday.
Speaking to the press at the end of a visit by the Secretary of State for Industry, Ivan do Prado, the CEO said put at 186 the number of staff (national citizens)operating in the plant.
The factory, located in the municipality of Viana, in Luanda, produces LED lights, among other lamps for false ceilings, floor lights, insect repellent lights and floodlights, amongst others.
He also said that the industry was also involved in juice production, with capacity for 40,000 boxes per day.
On the sidelines of the visit, the Secretary of State for Industry, Ivan do Prado, said that the visit to the factory units aimed at assessing the unit.