Angola/China trade reaches 30% growth

  • Luanda • Thursday, 27 October de 2022 | 15h11
Angola/China cooperation analyzed
Angola/China cooperation analyzed
Rosário dos Santos

Luanda - Angola and China trade stood at around US$20 billion from January to August 2022, the Chinese ambassador to Angola, Gong Tao, revealed Thursday in Luanda.

Comparing with the previous period, there was a 30% increase in trade relations between the two countries.

Since 2007, Angola has become China's largest trading partner in Africa, with a turnover estimated at US$24.8 billion in 2010 alone.

Speaking to the press, the ambassador attributed the increase to Chinese companies operating in the most varied sectors in Angola, as well as the Asian giant's commitment to economic relations.

In the agriculture sector, for example, he pointed out the commitment  to the cultivation of rice, corn, vegetables, fruits and other products.

He added that there are also Chinese companies producing eggs, assembling mobile phones, televisions, containers, Chinese cars.

He also stressed his country’s support for the Angolan government in the modernisation of sectors such as justice, with high-tech equipment for the production and issuance of identity card (ID).

According to the diplomat, China will continue to support Angola towards sustainable development, taking advantage of opportunities for mutual benefit.

In turn, the Secretary of State for Social Communication, Nuno Caldas Albino, highlighted the fact that China has been, for about 40 years, a strategic partner of Angola, reaching out in the most difficult moments.

He stressed that in the field of social communication, China has been an active partner, supporting the training of staff at major Chinese universities.

 “(…) This is an important step so that in the coming years training and exchanges between the various media in the two countries will be priorities”, he stressed.

Debt payment

Regarding the fact that Angola has anticipated the payment of public debt with one of the largest creditors (China), as part of the signed agreements, the ambassador considers it to have been a smart choice, adding that China is available to continue supporting the Angolan Government.

He highlighted the reforms carried out by the Government in recent years, having an economy that is less and less dependent on oil, focused on diversifying the economy.

The diplomat stressed that there is strong hope for good growth in the coming years for the Angolan economy.

According to Gong Tao, in the last 20 years, Angola has received Chinese funding for various works in airports, railways, satellite cities, hospitals, schools and dams, contributing to the country's growth.

He highlighted the fact that the Angolan economy shows great resilience, strength and dynamics, despite the current difficulties.

“Currently, financing is an important area. But the areas of investment and trade remain strong, because China, in the last 10 and 15 years, has been Angola's first trading partner”, he noted.

AGT's data indicate that China continues to be Angola's biggest trading partner, remaining in the first place in the list of the biggest clients for exports of Angolan goods, especially oil.

The Asian giant bought, between January and June 2022, goods worth USD 9.9 billion, equivalent to 47.8% of total national exports to the rest of the world.

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