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Angolan energy sector and AmCham sign memorandum of understanding

  • Luanda • Saturday, 07 December de 2024 | 13h03
Pormenor de uma Central Eléctrica (Arquivo)
Pormenor de uma Central Eléctrica (Arquivo)
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Luanda - The Ministry of Energy and Water and the American Chamber of Commerce in Angola (AmCham) signed a memorandum of understanding on Friday in Luanda, aimed at attracting investors and sources of financing for projects in the sector in the country.

Speaking to the press after witnessing the ceremony, the Minister of Energy and Water, João Baptista Borges, said that the cooperation protocol will assist the Angolan Government in the projects it has developed in recent times, mainly related to the transmission of electricity.

According to the Minister, the document contributes to the achievement of the Government's objectives of making the country a reference in the energy sector in Central and Southern Africa.

He said that, in order to raise Angola's energy potential for the countries of the southern region, it is essential to create projects that are advanced and financed by the private sector.

'The Chamber will also seek entrepreneurs and private interest in the United States, bring them to Angola to develop these and other projects that contribute to this great objective, which is, in essence, to integrate Angola into the southern and central regions of Africa, from an energy point of view,' he said.

He recalled that Joe Biden's visit to Angola opened doors for new investments between the two countries.

In turn, the president of AmCham, Pedro Godinho, said that the chamber remains focused on the contribution of identifying American investments in Angola, and the signing of this protocol coincided with the strategy of the US President.

In the opinion of the leader of the chamber, the production of clean energy could allow the country to play the role of an energy anchor.

He added that Angola has great potential to produce renewable energy, through hydroelectric, photovoltaic and green hydrogen production, to meet the recommendations of the United Nations aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

'With the leadership of President João Lourenço, the rapprochement between the two countries became evident, which resulted in the meeting of statesmen,' he said. AMC/VC/DOJ


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