Luanda - The Angolan government, with the support of the private sector, plans to reach 1.5 million peasant families by 2025 with the implementation of field schools, the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano said on Friday in Luanda.
The information was provided at the meeting between deputies and members of the Executive, as part of the discussion of the 2025 State Budget proposal, noting that the eight thousand 500 existing schools have allowed to support about 1,200,000 families.
According to the minister, the OGE proposal also includes resources to enhance aggregators.
'Aggregators are entities that have knowledge, logistics capacity, with clearer and more precise rules, which allow them to provide support to producers with inputs, work tools, knowledge sharing, with a production purchase agreement at the end of each production cycle,' he explained.
The intention is to make the support provided to these families give them the possibility of gaining autonomy, leaving the framework of dependence and having the chance to create micro and small companies that can increase the scale of production.
For the minister, who was responding to the concerns of parliamentarians about the support provided to families working in the countryside, currently about three million families work in the countryside and live essentially from agriculture.
With the existing data, he stressed, it has been possible to support families camponesas.ART/DOJ