Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Menongue tax office collects more than a billion Kwanzas

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 06 February de 2024 | 09h46
Director da Sexta Região Tributária, Hélio André Nzage
Director da Sexta Região Tributária, Hélio André Nzage
Luísa Massanga

Menongue – A total of 1.2 billion Kwanzas were collected, in 2023, by the Tax Office of Menongue, Cuando Cubango province, the director of the 6th Tax Region, Hélio André Nzage, reported today.

The director, who was spoking at the opening of the “Informal Operation” campaign, explained that the amount collected resulted from the payment of import taxes in the customs area, Value Added Tax (VAT) and Urban Property Tax (IPU), in addition to the motor vehicle tax (IVM).

He said that the province of Cuando Cubango has registered the greatest increase in quarterly, semi-annual and annual collections, through the Menongue Tax Office, with 85%, as it benefits from the payment of the aforementioned taxes and other services.

In addition to the Menongue Tax Office, taxes also come from tax stations in Calei, Cuangar, Katuitui and Dirico.

The head of the 6th Region of the General Tax Administration (AGT), which encompasses the provinces of Cuando Cubango, Cunene, Huíla and Namibe, said that the “Informal Operation” campaign is aimed at owners of warehouses and stores, with the aim of reinforcing the fiscal presence in the main commercial areas of the country.

The campaign also aims to expand the tax base, promote social justice and increase levels of voluntary compliance with tax obligations, with this first phase covering the market in the Tchivonde neighborhood, on the outskirts of the city of Menongue, where it is expected to register 500 economic operators and raise 500 million Kwanzas.

He mentioned that the activity results from the fact that there are a high number of traders who carry out the activity without complying with tax obligations, hence, through the campaign, reducing the informality rate, consequently bringing more revenue to finance the General State Budget.

He explained that AGT plans to implement measures such as placing seals in stores and, at the same time, ensuring that all commercial establishments and important markets in the city of Menongue are duly regularized.

He added that three teams have been created, including AGT (General Tax Office) technicians and the Tax Police, who will carry out awareness-raising activities and appeal to owners of commercial spaces, to register their properties, if they have not already done so, in order to pay the Urban Tax.

Hélio André Nzage said that awareness raising will include information on the regularization of Value Added Tax under the simplified regime, as well as on Industrial Tax and Labor Income Tax.

He clarified that AGT does not intend, with this campaign, to close stores and warehouses, but rather to notify economic agents to regularize their activities, in accordance with current legal regulations, as street vendors are excluded from this action. LMz/ALK/FF/ALH/CF/DOJ

A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...