Completion of water retention projects in Cunene expected for February

  • Luanda • Saturday, 07 September de 2024 | 13h25
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Represa da localidade de Ndalele no Curoca/Cunene
Represa da localidade de Ndalele no Curoca/Cunene
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP
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Represa da localidade de Paveva, Curoca/Cunene
Represa da localidade de Paveva, Curoca/Cunene
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP
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Ponte molhada de Ombwa, no Curoca /Cunene
Ponte molhada de Ombwa, no Curoca /Cunene
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP

Curoca - The eight water retention dams under construction since 2023, in the municipality of Curoca, Cunene province, will be completed in February 2025, the director-general of the Office for the Administration of the Cunene, Cubango and Cuvelai River Basins, Carolino Mendes, told press on Friday.

Corresponding to lots 7, 8 and 9, which includes the construction of the Cova do Leão dam, as part of the implementation of the Program to Combat the Effects of Drought in Southern Angola (PCESSA), underway on the right bank of the Cunene River, seven of these dams are already completed.

The official informed that, at first, nine dams were planned, but due to the poor conditions of the terrain, the Monambambi dam was converted into 33 water holes, one for each location.

The project, that include dams with a volume of water, which vary between 2,416 cubic meters to 7,469 cubic meters, is budgeted at 54,304,410 dollars.

Speaking to the press, on the sidelines of the visit to the contract, Carolino Mendes considered the work done so far satisfactory, since one of the dams under construction remains, as well as the 33 holes to be completed and which will be delivered at the beginning of next year.

He added that one of the dams built over the Curoca River has characteristics of a wet bridge 135 meters long, six meters and 60 meters wide and three meters and 30 meters high, which will facilitate the crossing to the bank that gives access to the province of Huíla.

He noted that the entry into operation of these projects will boost agricultural activity, enhance livestock breeding and will ensure water security through the supply of water to more than 10 thousand inhabitants living along the perimeter.

In turn, the director of Engevia Engineering, in charge of the construction of the projects, Paulo Matos, said that in each dam an artesian borehole and drinking fountain will be prepared, to allow the population to consume drinking water.

He explained that they are making efforts to speed up the work and meet the contractual deadlines.

As part of the implementation of the lot 9 project, the construction of a Water Supply System in the commune of Chitado is underway, which provides for 157 household connections and the construction of 15 fountains along the 5.9-kilometre pipeline of the Cunene River.

The projects on the right bank of the Cunene River of lots 7, 8 and 9, which include the construction of the Cova do Leão dam, are valued at US$284 million. PEM/LHE/DC/DOJ

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