Small, medium-sized enterprises join securities exchange with public guarantee

  • Luanda • Thursday, 04 May de 2023 | 13h10
Dístico do Fundo de Garantia de Crédito
Dístico do Fundo de Garantia de Crédito

Luanda – Organised small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may enter the Angolan Debt and Securities Exchange (BODIVA) via the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC), which has financial solutions to boost their investments.

In order to ensure the success of the process,  the Credit Guarantee Fund (FGC) and the Angolan Debt and Securities Exchange (BODIVA) signed Thursday a Memorandum of Understanding.

The deal allows the medium and small companies to have a public guarantee that will make it easier to open their capital in order to buy or sell shares, in a more confident and transparent way on the stock exchange.

The document was signed by the executive directors of FGC and BODIVA, Eduardo Mohamed and Cristina Lourenço, respectively.

As part of the process,  the amount available is of five million dollars for each interested company with the profile to do so, with the FGC covering risk up to 75% of the capital financed.

BODIVA is also seen as a solution for the disposal of assets and a solution for financing companies.

It currently has two companies listed on the market, but others are preparing to enter this segment.

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