PGF frustrates fuel smuggling attempt

  • Luanda • Monday, 09 September de 2024 | 12h07
Contrabando de combustível para Namíbia
Contrabando de combustível para Namíbia

Cabinda – The Border Police (PGF), in the province of Cabinda, seized last weekend a total of 6,600 liters of fuel that were destined for the Republic of Congo (DRC).

In a note sent to ANGOP on Monday, the corporation informs that the product was seized during a routine micro-operation carried out by PGF's staff in the village of Nhungo Velho, at the Ntendequele crossing point.

The fuel (gasoline) was packed in 264 containers of 25 liters each.

The product was sent to the Service of Criminal Investigation (SIC) in Cabinda for legal procedures.


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