Luanda - The Angolan Government plans to stop issuing as from March 15th this year, licences for the import of offal, parts of poultry, pigs and cattle, due to the fact that there are conditions for their local production.
A document from the Institute of Veterinary Services of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forests informs that licenses will not be issued for the import of cow skins, kidneys, liver, heart and lungs.
As for birds, licences will not be issued for turkey, chicken, duck wings, gizzards, hearts, backs, necks and livers, adding that regarding products of pork origin include the head, mask, ear, snout, tail, sternum, liver, heart and offal.
According to the document, as of July 31st of this year, licenses will no longer be issued for the import of beef tails and heads, tough chicken thighs, turkey legs and pork necks.