Bibala - The Environment minister Ana Paula de Carvalho condemned on Thursday the coal mining activity at the tourist mountain range Serra da Leba in Angola’s central Huila province, an activity that must be stopped, since it causes climate change.
The minister regretted the practice that has caused landslides and rockslides, damaging the tarmac and disrupting traffic between Huíla and Namibe provinces.
The minister, who visited the critical spots on the road, explained that the trees in the mountains, besides absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, make the soil more compact and that, while removed, traffic in the mountains is put at risk with the emergence of ravines.
Ana Carvalho added that the Ministry of the Environment, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry are to conduct an awareness-raising program aimed at families involved in charcoal production.
Namibe governor, Archer Mangueira, on his turn said that the provincial authorities are taking administrative measures to combat charcoal production, creating conditions for the resettlement of the population and to preserve the tourist area from invasions, burning and deforestation.VR/FA/AC/DAN/AMP