Minister defends Angola's technological independence

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 10 May de 2023 | 18h16
Ministro das Telecomunicações,Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação Social, Mário de Oliveira
Ministro das Telecomunicações,Tecnologia de Informação e Comunicação Social, Mário de Oliveira
Manuel Nzamba-ANGOP

Luanda - Angola needs to move towards technological independence and the Government wants to work in an integrated way to create a system of rapid responses to computer attacks, Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication Minister Mário de Oliveira said on Wednesday in Luanda.

While speaking to journalists at the 1st Forum on Cybersecurity, the minister underlined the need to combine efforts so that everyone can
contribute, in a collective, organized and integrated way for the country to defend itself as a whole.

Mário de Oliveira said that until now the entities have been working individually, and the forum appears to awaken companies from a technological
and legal point of view.

“We are not in a position to say definitively how we are doing, because companies have been doing it individually. There is no concentration of data
that allows us to assess the country as a whole. In a particular way, we can say that we are on the right path, but in an isolated way”.

He added that there is a need to join forces, in the sense that 'we can, in a national cybersecurity observatory, process information that allows us to
look at the country as a whole in terms of the defense of cyberspace.

“We have been seriously engaged with the private sector working towards taking a giant step towards securing cyberspace. Today, companies are
concerned with setting up networks and computers, as it is necessary to move on to the next step, protecting these networks, computers and training our
technicians”, the minister said.

He also highlighted the need of international cooperation since “Cyberspace has no borders. “We have to be together, with all African and European
countries and with the whole world”, he explained.

Mário de Oliveira said that Angola has been investing in digital technology since 30 years ago with launching of the first large telecommunications
infrastructures, by satellite and microwave, fiber optic cable network and more recently with launching of Angosat-2.
The 1st Forum on Cybersecurity, promoted by the Ministry of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication
(MINTTICS), is set up to deepen the security of networks and information systems, with the aim of increasing the guarantees of free, safe and secure
efficient use of cyberspace by all citizens, public and private entities.


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