Italy has €5.5 billion to finance Africa energy transition

  • Luanda • Friday, 31 May de 2024 | 00h06
Embaixador da Itália em Angola,  Cristiano Gallo
Embaixador da Itália em Angola, Cristiano Gallo
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda - The Italian ambassador to Angola, Cristiano Gallo, announced this Thursday, in Luanda, that his country has €5.5 billion available to finance clean energy production projects, within the framework of the energy transition around the world.

Speaking to the press, on the sidelines of the Conference on Innovation and Energy Transition, organized by the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG) in partnership with MAIRE and the Angola-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the diplomat made it known, without mentioned percentage, that part of this amount will be invested in Angola.

According to Cristiano Gallo, several Italian companies have expressed their desire to invest in the energy sector in Angola, with new technologies that facilitate the energy transition, among other issues that help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

He said that companies have already started carrying out economic feasibility studies and presenting to the Angolan Government projects that can be financed by the Italian State, to achieve the energy transition.

Italy, he continued, also intends to reinforce agreements with the Angolan Government, helping to diversify the national economy, through the potential it has in various areas, with emphasis on the energy, oil and gas sector, where the company ENI stands out.

In turn, the Executive Director of ANPG, Artur Custódio, reiterated that Angola intends to decarbonize oil activity by 2050, a goal whose achievement will count on the support of several partners inside and outside the country.

He said that Italy and France, for example, have already expressed their interest in supporting this project with advanced technologies.

“They just want to know if there are legal instruments in the country that ensure safe and sustainable investment, and then they can take action”, said the diplomat, ensuring that there are conditions for investors to feel comfortable.

During the conference, the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency and Jean Piaget University signed a cooperation memorandum, embodied in scientific research and training of staff for the management of the energy transition.

The event debated, among several topics, the challenges and opportunities of Angola's energy matrix, biofuels and their impact on decarbonization, as well as the contributions of the oil sector to energy diversification.


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