INE has all in place for the start of the 2024 Census

  • Luanda • Monday, 16 September de 2024 | 20h40
Hernany Luís, Director Geral -Adjunto do INE
Hernany Luís, Director Geral -Adjunto do INE
Gaspar dos Santos -ANGOP

Luanda - National Institute of Statistics (INE) deputy director-general for the Social Area, Hernany Luís, reaffirmed, Monday, in Luanda, that all the logistical, human and working means are in place for the start of the 2024 Census, on the 19th.

Speaking at the clarification session on the Census, the deputy director-general of the National Institute of Statistics said that more than 70,000 enumerators in the eighteen provinces of the country will be involved in this census operation.

'All the logistical and human conditions for a normal process are guaranteed, thanks to the experience gained with the Census in 2014 and the participation of the different ministerial departments and the entire civil society,' he stressed.

According to the official, the data collection will last 30 days and will cover the 164 municipalities, 562 communes, districts, neighborhoods and villages of the 18 provinces of the country, both in urban and rural areas, and provincial governments and local administrations are equally engaged in the process, which will facilitate and speed up the process.

He assured that logistics, drivers, enumerators and technical assistants who will reach the most remote areas of the country are also ensured, with the support of the Defense and Security Forces.

With the Census, he continued, it is expected to obtain updated socio-demographic data, mainly on the number of the population, its distribution by sex and age, located in the Angolan geographical space, living conditions, access to education and health.

On the occasion, he called on all social actors to be involved in the process, to answer the questions, based on the principle of truth and honesty, because it will be information that will define the demographic or economic reality of the country.

He stressed that the data to be collected will assess the situation of families, migrations, religion, ethnic and racial characteristics, physical disability and displacement of people to study or work.

For the success of this operation, the Executive made available, in the General State Budget, 30 billion kwanzas to cover expenses related to the General Resentment of Population and Housing - Census-2024.

Taking place under the motto 'Together we count for Angola', the General Population and Housing Census 2024 is the second after Independence, in 1975, with the first being carried out in May 2014, from the 16th to the 31st of that month. JAM/MDS/DOJ

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