Over 200 companies in Moxico certified by INAPEM

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 19 June de 2024 | 19h02
Logotipo do INAPEM
Logotipo do INAPEM

Luena – Two hundred and 51 companies operating in the field of commerce, services and agriculture, in the province of Moxico, have been certified since January to date by the National Institute of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (INAPEM).

According to the head of INAPEM's local department, Henriques Quiluange, compared to the previous period there was an increase of 57 certified companies, due to the online certification process implemented by this institution.

During this period, 100 young people from the municipality of Luau were trained in small business management, in partnership with the Provincial Office of Culture, Youth Tourism and Sports, within the scope of supporting entrepreneurship,

He also informed that the province of Moxico has 10 products with the 'Made in Angola' seal, including cereals, corn flour, cassava flour, detergents (bar soap and bleach), beans, table water, live chicken and eggs.

He added that the products are from five companies operating in the sectors of agriculture, micro processing industry, poultry farming, and more firms are expected to join.

The 'Seal Made in Angola' restructured in the light of Presidential Decree No. 160/22, of 17 June, aims to mobilize companies for the purpose of economic growth, seeking to improve the competitiveness of goods, services and products of the countryside. MT/ TC/YD/DOJ

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