Huíla produces more than one million kilograms of meat annually

  • Luanda • Friday, 21 June de 2024 | 10h03
Gado na fazenda Mumba, na Huíla
Gado na fazenda Mumba, na Huíla
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Lubango – The southern Huíla Province, which has the largest cattle production of the country, with more than three million, increased its meat production capacity from 700 tons in 2020 to one million 99,311 kilograms in 2023.

Despite being a production that the authorities consider “exciting”, it is still far from the current market needs, amounting to over 3.060 million kg yearly.

According to a report from the Provincial Agriculture and Fisheries Office to which ANGOP had access Friday, the meat production by species has the following data, beef with 889,800 kg, representing a slaughter of 5,932 heads per year. This is followed by pork with 187,250 kg, which makes up 3,745 animals, goat meat with 19,824 kg (1,652 heads of cattle), poultry with 1,697 kg, which represents a slaughter of 943 units and sheep weighing 740 kg (37 animals).

This meat is slaughtered in 21 cataloged locations spread across 14 municipalities, of which only two are occasional butchers, the remainder are so-called "killing sites" established in informal markets.

Among them, the “Sweet Potato Market”, on the outskirts of Lubango municipality, stands out, which slaughters most of the animals. In 2023 alone, there were 2,355 heads, placing almost half of the meat on the market, that is, 422,559 kg.

Next comes the Mutundo market, also in Lubango, with 1,165 animals slaughtered, representing 259,115 kg of meat, while in the industrial slaughterhouses, the Mumba farm stands out with 63,450 kg (423 heads of cattle) and the group Socolil with 31,950 (213 heads of cattle).

The municipality of Matala is ahead with the placement of 47,994 kg and then Quipungo with 36,827. In the report, Chipindo has the lowest production in the province.

To the Agriculture Office, the lack of investment is the main constraint, noting that in three years it is possible to make the province self-sufficient in meat, if the investment in slaughterhouses and herds is real.

In the last five years, the country has seen an increase of 12% in the production of animal protein, mainly pork, on the order of 55%, on average, and beef by 30%.

Data from the Ministry of Agriculture from 2021 show that, to import these products, Angola spent USD 440 million. Birds develop 54% of that amount, with USD 238 million.

Animal production in the country is mainly carried out in the provinces of Huíla, Cunene and Namibe, which value more than 70%. Poultry production is highest in the provinces of Huíla and Huambo, with a percentage of 39%.


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