Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Huíla collects more than 90 million kwanzas in mineral resource fees

  • Luanda • Monday, 25 November de 2024 | 11h21
Indústria transformadora de rochas ornamentais na Huíla
Indústria transformadora de rochas ornamentais na Huíla
Amélia Oliveira - ANGOP

Lubango – The Integrated Economic Development Office of the Province of Huíla collected 90.621 million Kwanzas for the Single Treasury Account, up to the first quarter of this year compared to 389.948 million Kwanzas in the previous year 2023, according to the provincial government report.

According to the document ANGOP had access to, the Office recorded a decrease of 76.76% compared to the four quarters of 2023.

This revenue results from the issuing of 32 documents authorizing exploitation, three more in relation to the year 2023, representing a variation of 10.34%, as well as other taxes linked to extraction and exports.

In Huíla there in force 32 operators in the mineral resources sector, whose 21 are linked to ornamental rocks, two open-pit mine, one sandpit, one for ceramic material, one agro-mineral, two for mineral water, three for gold, while niobium, phosphate and iron have one explorer each.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...