Govt bets on improving efficiency in public-private projects execution

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 20 August de 2024 | 17h32
Ministro do Planeamento, Victor Hugo Guilherme (Arquivo)
Ministro do Planeamento, Victor Hugo Guilherme (Arquivo)
Domingos Cardoso-ANGOP

Luanda – The Minister of planning, Victor Guilherme, highlighted on Tuesday, that the Angolan Government is strongly working to improve efficiency in project execution and increase transparency and public trust in public-private partnership (PPP) processes.

According to the government official, who was speaking during a round table on “Public-Private Partnerships”, Angola Executive intends to improve this process, as public trust is an essential element for the long-term PPPs success.

He made it known that work is being done so that public-private partnerships can represent a viable solution, allowing the private sector to contribute with capital, expertises and operational efficiency, while the public sector ensures that social interests and equitable development are prioritized.

According to the minister, Angola is going through a period of crucial economic reforms, with a view to reorganizing and strengthening the economy, establishing the foundations for a robust, diversified and sustainable economic society, with the aim of creating the necessary conditions for continuous and sustainable growth.

He added that the purpose is to seek solutions for the rationality and sustainability of public finances, through PPPs, as well as to improve the quality of infrastructure, with an impact on transport, commerce, employment and industry, in addition to population's public services.

Víctor Guilherme ensures that the guidelines for these reforms are outlined in the main planning instruments, such as the Long-Term Strategy “Angola 2050” and the National Development Plan 2023-2027.

The prospect is for the construction of an economy increasingly less dependent on state intervention and dominated by the private sector, through greater openness to private investment, both national and foreign, for an increasingly greater contribution of the non-oil sector in the formation of GDP.

“We understand that achieving these goals depends, fundamentally, on investment in infrastructure, which is why we have directed significant resources, through the public investment program, to improving our roads, airports, railways and other important infrastructures, which are the backbone for the development of economic activity in the country and regional integration”, he highlighted.

During the event, the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a World Bank institution for the private sector, presented its available instruments to support the creation of bankable public-private partnership projects.

Among other individuals, the event was attended by the ministers of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Mário Oliveira, of Transport, Ricardo de Abreu, of Public Works, Urbanism and Housing, Carlos Alberto dos Santos and of Health, Sílvia Lutucuta.

The round table aims to establish an alignment of vision on PPPs, as an instrument for promoting sustainable development, and sharing experiences in the energy and water, transport, roads and health sectors. HM/VC/CF/DOJ



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