IMF reaffirms Angola's progress in transparency of public accounts

  • Luanda • Friday, 13 September de 2024 | 12h42
Representante residente do FMI em Angola, Victor Lledo
Representante residente do FMI em Angola, Victor Lledo
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Talatona - The representative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Angola, Victor Ledo, reaffirmed Thursday in Luanda that the Angolan state has made important progress in the process of transparency of public accounts, with the implementation of structural reforms.

The IMF resident official, who was speaking during the round table on ‘Sustainable Growth in Angola’ at the 15th edition of Brazil Week in Angola, said that the approval in 2020 by the National Assembly of the law on the sustainability of public finances, which aims to promote fiscal discipline, predictability and transparency in the management of public finances, is one of the advances in restructuring.

IMF  representative said that  despite the adoption of the aforementioned policies, there are still aspects that need to be properly implemented, namely the medium-term fiscal framework, the analysis of fiscal resources and also the ongoing process of strengthening the capacity of the Courts of Auditors and citizen education.

 Victor Ledo, who during the event made a connection between Angola's economic situation and the steps taken by Brazil to overcome the financial crisis, said that the country was facing challenges because it was going through another period of high inflation, mainly due to rising food prices.

In the national context, he said that the Angolan authorities are gradually analysing how to control inflation, with the autonomy of the National Bank of Angola (BNA) being established by law, as in other countries.

One of the aspects mentioned by the expert was also the generation of inclusive financial growth, which according to him involves adopting social policies that favour access to good quality education and health for the most vulnerable.

I went on to say that in this area Angola has made progress in the allocation of social resources, with the creation of the Kwenda programme which is being implemented consistently, but that budget allocations and the execution of resources in the areas of education and health are still below other countries in the region.

The Minister of Culture, Filipe Zau, one of the speakers at the round table, argued that sustainability in any developing country, in addition to the curricular aspects to be established for each course, also involves training human resources and is based on key transversal and specific areas for development.

Culture minister emphasised change, autonomy, democracy, solidarity, the environment, population, health, women, citizenship, the economy and interculturalism as key areas that must contribute to the economic and social progress of any country.

The president of the FBS foundation, Bornito de Sousa, spoke about the partnerships created with some Brazilian academic cultural environmental foundations and the aims of the Miomo environmental project. MAG/DAN/DOJ

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