FILDA 2024 with 5000 service providers

  • Luanda • Monday, 22 July de 2024 | 18h06
Pormenor de um dos Stand da FILDA
Pormenor de um dos Stand da FILDA
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Zango - Five thousand young people are expected to provide services to exhibitors at the 39th Luanda International Fair (FILDA 2024), scheduled to start on Tuesday in Luanda, the chairman of the Board of Directors of Eventos Arena, Bruno Albernaz said today.

These are services related to the areas of food, transport, telecommunications, electricity supply, maintenance, basic sanitation, among others.

Speaking to the press about the level of preparation for the event, the official said he was one hundred percent, adding that, for this purpose, the organization had 1,500 young people in terms of occasional workforce, or temporary employment, who worked on the assembly of stands, tents, electrical installations.

The forum will take place in the Special Economic Zone (ZEE), under the motto 'Food security and international partnership: The binomial of economic diversification', in a co-organization of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce and Eventos Arena.

'The work is being done within the planned deadlines and companies and individual exhibitors are already at a number above the expectation, which is to exceed the mark of the 2023 edition, of one thousand and 300 exhibitors', he said.

Organized by several managing entities until 2015, the fair passed, after a year of interregnum, to the direct management of the Angolan Government, specifically by the Ministry of Economy and Planning (now extinct), with the production and promotion of the Arena Events, which introduced a new dynamic and modernity.

The event also serves to distinguish and reward the companies and entities that stand out the most in various categories, among the best participation in services of 'Public Utility', 'Commerce and services', 'Food and Beverages', 'Civil Construction and Public Works', 'Energy and Water', 'Agriculture and Fisheries', 'Industry and National Production'. DP/VC/DOJ

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