Minister stresses role of Angola Expo“Feito” in economic relations

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 07 December de 2022 | 14h19
Minister of Economy and Planning Mário Caetano João
Minister of Economy and Planning Mário Caetano João
Alberto Julião

Luanda – Angolan minister of Economy and Planning Mário Caetano João described Wednesday the First Edition of the "Expo Made in Angola" (EFA) as an engine in economic relations which speeds up the business productive sector.

This was at an opening ceremony of EFA, which takes place in the Luanda-Bengo Special Economic Zone (ZEE).

He highlighted the presence, with stress to micro, small and medium-sized companies, represented by 300 direct and indirect participations at the fair.

Mario Caetano João also highlighted the fact that 35% of companies from various sectors having joined “Angola Made stamp”.

They include general services, banking, catering, creative economy, construction, industry, health, oil and gas, energy and water, commerce, textiles, food, furniture, metalworking, agribusiness and communication and marketing.

According to minister, in this way, the foundations are created for the continuity of the path of growth of the national economy.

Service figures Made in Angola

After 10 years of implementation, the Government revisits the Made in Angola stamp and service, developed under the Angola Invest Programme in 2012, registering demand.

Mário Caetano João added that the service provided in Angola had seen huge demand, as a result of new incentives and benefits, with 120 companies having joined this new service, mainly as a result of greater dynamism, awareness and mobilisation developed by INAPEM (National Institute to Support Small and Large Companies) over the last seven months after approval of its regulation.

These 120 companies that subscribed to the service, said the official, represent more than 535 products and goods and services already registered by the Made in Angola service, allowing the issue of 198 stamps, including 10 green stamps.

He referred that there was an increase in the adherence to the Made in Angola service if compared to the last 10 years.

This is a result of the positive change in the macro-economic context of the country and incentives to promote national production that can guarantee the sustainability of food security, he added.

The minister highlights three provinces with more registered products, namely Luanda with 35.5%, Huambo with 10.6% and Benguela with 9% and the most relevant sectors in the adhesion are industry with 50.9%, agriculture with 15.5% and fisheries with 11.6%.

On the other hand, the minister reiterated that the Angolan government has committed itself, in the period 2023-2027, to agribusiness, foreseeing an investment of US$600 million per year for the implementation of the National Plan for the Promotion of Grain Production (PLANAGRAN) and for the National Plan for the Promotion of Fisheries (PLANAPESCAS).

He also said that the Government is developing a third agricultural instrument, this time to promote animal production and its derivatives called the Livestock Promotion and Development Plan (PLANAPECUÁRIA), which has financial support of around USD 300 million.


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