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Angolan and Omani diamond companies sign prospecting agreement

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  • Luanda • Tuesday, 18 March de 2025 | 06h05
Endiama e Sultanato de Omã assinam acordos
Endiama e Sultanato de Omã assinam acordos
Rosário dos Santos-ANGOP

Luanda - The Angolan diamond company Endiama and its Omani counterpart Taaden signed an agreement on Monday that will allow the company to conduct mineral exploration activities in the Catoca and Luele mining projects, continuing the services previously provided by the Russian company Alrosa.

 Endiama's CEO, Ganga Júnior, raised the possibility of moving to underground exploration, as opposed to open-pit mining, as has been the case in the Catoca kimberlite.

According to the CEO, the agreement aims to increase production and diversify the mines, after recalling that the Luele field, which will be inaugurated at the end of 2023, is currently at one third of its projected production capacity, having recorded six million carats in 2024.

For 2025, he said, the conditions will be created to increase production to 18 million, with an annual average of 14 million carats.

The Chairman of Taaden, Abdul Aziz Al Maqbali, on his turn, said he was pleased with the opportunity he had found in Angola and guaranteed that the investment would continue. He revealed that this is the first operation of his company in Africa.


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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...