Catoca Mining Project Director distinguished with African Award

  • Luanda • Thursday, 18 July de 2024 | 20h08
Benedito Manuel, director geral de Catoca
Benedito Manuel, director geral de Catoca
João Wassamba-ANGOP

Luanda - The Catoca Mining Project's general director, Benedito Manuel, was distinguished on Wednesday (17) as Personality of the Year in African Industry, by the African Business Leadership Award (ABLA).

The distinction took place in London, England, with the presence of members of governments from several African countries and the British parliament, according to a press release to which ANGOP had access this Thursday.

Benedito Manuel was recognized for his work in the mining industry in Africa and in adopting the best international practices in the sector, as well as in the social responsibility program of the Mining Project he chairs.

According to the note, the award was presented by the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, Philip Davi, who considered the Angolan diamond industry a reference for good practices on the continent.

For his part, Benedito Manuel thanked Catoca's workers for the efforts carried out and the contribution to Angola development.

“My message is that we continue to believe in ourselves, and promote the development of African professionals, because we have capable citizens in our countries”, he highlighted.

The African Business Leadership Award (ABLA) is one of the most important award platforms in the business sector, on the African continent, which aims to honor good corporate practices and excellent managers on the continent.


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