Goat breeders trained on animal health practices

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 03 September de 2024 | 19h31
Criador de gado em formação no Curoca /Cunene
Criador de gado em formação no Curoca /Cunene

Curoca – Fifty-two goat breeders completed, Tuesday, in the municipality of Curoca, Province of Cunene, a training program in topics on good animal health practices, to improve livestock care.

For five days, participants addressed topics such as management practices, preventive care, nutrition, hygiene and reproduction.

The training programme is part of the Productive Inclusion (IP) of the second component of the Social Protection Strengthening Program (Kwenda), operated by the Local Development Institute (FAS).

Regarding this training, the FAS's head in Cunene, Eduardo Silunda, said that the initiative served to provide small goat farmers with basic knowledge.

He made it known that 168 families benefited from 1,517 goats for animal reproduction in Curoca.

Eduardo Silunda also added that the objective is to help families create a revolving fund for inclusion in the community, to reduce the impact of hunger, as they are hit by drought every year.

The municipality of Curoca, made up of the commune of Oncócua and Chitado, has 56 thousand inhabitants.


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