2024 Census: Coordinator points to total distribution of logistics by Monday

  • Luanda • Saturday, 14 September de 2024 | 01h23
José Calenge, coordenador do grupo técnico do Censo
José Calenge, coordenador do grupo técnico do Censo
Arse Nio Bravo

Luanda - The coordinator of the technical group of the General Census of Population and Housing, José Calengi, said on Friday in Luanda that the distribution of all logistics for the 2024 Census will be completed on Monday (16).

The material includes adequate means for the development of the census activity, with emphasis on tablets, equipment for identifying the agents, signs and signs for counting locations, among others.

Speaking at a press conference on the preparation of the process, José Calengi reiterated the Census schedule, which reserves for the night of the 18th the formal act of launch, at the National Statistics Institute (INE).

The launch takes place, starting at 6 pm, with a workshop to mark the official opening of the survey, followed by a cultural moment, and then, at midnight on the 19th, the census of special cases such as the homeless.

Later, the collection of information from the families continues.

The director-general of INE also spoke of the last stage of the training of field agents, stressing that the process takes place, at national level, without constraint.

The 2024 Census will last 30 days, with the involvement of 79 thousand 423 field agents, divided into 67 thousand 131 enumerators and 12 thousand 92 supervisors, who will ensure the work throughout the national territory.

This is the second census in the post-independence period, after the 2014 process, which registered more than 25 million inhabitants.

The objective is to collect up-to-date data on the population, which will help in the equitable distribution of resources and in the formulation of public policies in areas such as education, health and housing. OPF/VC/DOJ


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