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Census/2024: INE completes cartographic update in five provinces

  • Luanda • Thursday, 14 March de 2024 | 22h29
Porta-voz da Comissão Multissectorial do Censo 2024, Hernâni Luís (Arquivo)
Porta-voz da Comissão Multissectorial do Censo 2024, Hernâni Luís (Arquivo)
Domingos Cardoso - ANGOP

Luanda - The cartographic updating process, which began in 2023 in Angola, has already been completed in five of the country's 18 provinces, namely Cabinda, Cuando Cubango, Bengo, Cuanza-Norte and Cuanza-Sul, an action that precedes the Census General Survey of Population and Housing, to be held in July this year.

The fact was announced Thursday, in Luanda, by the spokesperson for the Multisectoral Commission to Support the Implementation of the Census/2024, Hernany Pena Luís, assuring the press that, within the next few days, cartographic updates for the remaining provinces will be completed.

The process that is being operationalized by the National Statistics Institute (INE) aims to define and redefine the limits of existing neighborhoods throughout the country.

Speaking on the sidelines of the ordinary meeting of the Multisectoral Commission, he said that to speed up this process, mutual assistance is currently taking place between the provinces that have already completed the cartographic update and the others that are missing.

He informed that the meeting served to analyze the work done since the beginning of the year and outline strategies for future activities.

As part of raising awareness among the population, the spokesperson highlighted that governors have the responsibility to intensify this mobilization process, which will last until July 19th of this year.

He also added that, soon, a training session on the census will take place across the country aimed at various sectors of society, with emphasis on journalists and churches.

He reiterated that, to reach difficult-to-access areas, the commission will use air transport that will be made available by the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA), in addition to land means.

The meeting of the Multisectoral Commission to Support the Conduct of the 2024 Census was attended by the governors and vice-governors of the country's 18 provinces. AMC/QCB/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...