Census 2024 enters final stage of preparation

  • Luanda • Friday, 06 September de 2024 | 20h57
Director-Geral do INE, José Calengi
Director-Geral do INE, José Calengi
Nelson Malamba - ANGOP

Luanda - General Census of Population and Housing (RGPH) preparation process enters the final phase, next week, with the training of census agents, an action considered as the last step towards the start of the 2024 Census, scheduled for the 19th of September, throughout the Angolan territory.

The fact was announced on Friday, in Luanda, by the director general of the National Statistics Institute (INE), José Calengi, at a press conference on the status of the Census.

On the occasion, the official assured that, in addition to the training of agents, there are all the logistical and human conditions created for the start of the census process as scheduled.

He added that, practically, all stages of preparation have been completed, with emphasis on the Cartographic Update, carried out throughout the country, the Pilot Census, the Post-Census Survey and the holding of several training sessions for provincial, municipal, communal and computer technical assistants.

José Calengi said that the main means to be used for the effective collection of statistical data from households are being distributed.

Among the means of work, José Calengi highlighted that more than 500 vehicles will be used and more than 60,000 tablets will be used, equipped with applications that guarantee the reliability of the data.

In addition to the vehicles used during the 2014 Census, the director-general of INE stressed that 168 vehicles were also acquired, as well as having the provision of other means by some institutions, such as the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).   

He also recalled that the census operation will have close to 70,000 field agents, who will travel across the the national territory in a phased manner.

In addition, he also said that some teachers will be exempt from teaching activity to provide service to the Census, without creating constraints to classes, since the Ministry of Education has already taken care of this situation, with the integration of interns to fill this gap, for about 30 days of the census process.

Under the motto 'Together we count for Angola', the General Census of Population and Housing/2024 will be the third in the country's history, the first being carried out in 1970, five years before Angola's independence, while the second took place in 2014.

This process aims to provide the database for planning, management and decision-making, as well as to build a sampling base for the selection of survey samples from households.

The objectives also include knowing the population structure for all administrative units in the country, strengthening the national technical and material capacity to conduct future data collections. QCB/DOJ.

On the occasion, the source assured that, in addition to the training of census takers, all the logistical and human conditions are created to start the census process as scheduled.

He added that practically all preparation stages have been completed, with emphasis on the Cartographic Update, carried out throughout the country, the Pilot Census, the Post-Census Survey and the holding of several training sessions for provincial, municipal, communal and IT technical assistants.

With this, he said that, at this moment, the main means to be used for the effective collection of statistical data from households are being distributed.

Among the means of work, José Calengi highlighted that more than 500 vehicles will be used and more than 60 thousand tablets will be used, equipped with applications that guarantee the reliability of the data.

In addition to the vehicles used during the 2014 Census, the director general of INE highlighted that 168 vehicles were also acquired, as well as other means being provided by some institutions, such as the Angolan Armed Forces (FAA).   

He also recalled that the census operation will involve around 70,000 field agents, who will cover the entire national territory in phases.

In addition, he also added that some teachers will be exempt from teaching to provide services to the Census, without creating constraints on classes, as the Ministry of Education has already taken care of this situation, with the integration of interns to fill this gap, during approximately 30 days of the census process.

Under the motto 'Together we count for Angola', the General Population and Housing Census/2024 will be the third in the country's history, the first being carried out in 1970, five years before Angola's independence, while the second took place in 2014.

This process aims to provide the database for planning, management and decision-making, as well as building a sampling base for the selection of survey samples among households.

The objectives also include understanding the structure of the population for all administrative units in the country, strengthening the national technical and material capacity to conduct future data collection. QCB/DOJ


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