Angola’s Central Bank launches ranking of banking financial institutions

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 02 July de 2024 | 18h55
National Bank of Angola (BNA)
National Bank of Angola (BNA)
Pedro Parente

Luanda - The National Bank of Angola (BNA) began, since Monday (1st of July), to assess the conduct of financial institutions, within the scope of complaints management, a process that will run until the 31st of this month.

According to the head of the BNA's Conduct department, José Moma, the evaluation will result in the first ranking that will be released in a public session, in January 2025, with the position of each of the 23 banking financial institutions operating in Angola.

Speaking to the press, on the sidelines of the presentation of the Ranking of Ombudsmen of Banking Financial Institutions, held on Tuesday, in Luanda, he said that the project will evaluate four indicators, namely the institution's performance in terms of complaints management, the impact that the areas have in internal processes, the consumer's perception of service provision, as well as the supervisor's perception and compliance with notice 12/16, of September 5th.

He added that this instruction guides the creation of an area specialized in customer service in the organizational structure.

To this end, José Moma said that a survey will be made available to banking financial institutions within the online window, to respond to customers and combine all indicators for the necessary assessment.

Financial institutions will be segmented into two groups, the first for banks with one million or more customers and the second group for banks with fewer, so that there is a fairer assessment for the system.

According to the head of department, the initial project begins with the assessment of commercial banking, as it covers more than 90% of the system.

However, he said, what could later be added to non-bank financial institutions is under development.

With this, he said, the BNA intends to improve the quality of service provided by banking financial institutions to consumers, as well as encourage the implementation of best practices in complaints management.

On the other hand, granting the possibility for customers of financial institutions to evaluate the quality of services provided by these companies and, in this way, understand where each institution is in the ranking of quality-of-service provision.

The presentation of the Ranking of Providers of Banking Financial Institutions was witnessed by sector technicians, representatives of the most varied banking companies in the country. ML/QCB/DOJ

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