Management commission takes over CEA

  • Luanda • Friday, 09 December de 2022 | 15h55
Deputy president of Angolan Business Confederation, Adilson Neto
Deputy president of Angolan Business Confederation, Adilson Neto
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - Angolan Business Confederation (CEA) will be temporarily managed by a management commission until the holding of the assembly for the election of the new board for the next five years term, announced Friday the vice-president of the transitional body, Adilson Neto.

The  manager announced this at a press conference aimed to introduce the team that makes up the aforementioned commission.

Over the five years of existence the organisation had gone through several processes and will now move forward with a restructuring programme based on the reforms that have been happening in the country and, mainly, in the business sector.

He added that the CEA will continue to work with the Government and in the actions of the business sector to give dignity to this class and guarantee that businesspeople in Angola continue to have rights and together working for an Angola with which everyone can be proud.

In turn, the chairman of the management committee, Laurindo Miguel, said that the new management stems from an extended meeting, held at the end of last November, which served to take the organisation out of the lethargy and make it functional until the general meeting set for February 2023.

He noted that the objective of the confederation is the defence of the associates - composed by more than 46 members among associations, orders and cooperatives at national level.

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