Central Bank, UNDP sign memo on financial inclusion

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 28 September de 2022 | 14h03
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda – The Angolan Reserve Bank (BNA) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on Wednesday in Luanda signed a memorandum on Financial Inclusion, aimed at accelerating the national strategy in this domain.

The document - signed by the BNA Governor, José de Lima Massano, and the resident representatuive of the UNDP in Angola, Edo Stork – is intended to strengthen the action of the BNA in the area of financial inclusion.


The BNA head explained that currently the institution has been carrying out actions in partnership with the Ministry of Social Action, Family and  Promotion of Women (Masfamu), the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and the Ministry of Education, as well as with youth organisations and universities. These actions includes sensitisation campaigns on the topic, among others.


On her turn, BNA’s Director for Financial Inclusion, Beatriz dos Santos, said that the UNDP will provide technical support for the improvement of digital payment means, financial inclusion and financial education.


The UNDP representative in Angola deemed it fundamental to work with the Angolan Central Bank in this process, further stressing that the institution is working with Angola for the country to achieve the intended results with the implementation of the National Development Plan.


Edo Stork revealed that the UNDP intends also to help the Angolan people in accessing finances, by exploring ways that enable those who need to benefit from such assistance.


He recognised the existence of good practices in Angola which can be shared with other countries.



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