BNA warns of Secarip company’s illegal financial activity

  • Luanda • Friday, 16 December de 2022 | 17h32
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
National Bank of Angola (BNA) Headquarters, Luanda
Francisco Miúdo

Luanda - National Bank of Angola (BNA) warned on Friday that the service provider company “Secarip-Prestação de Serviços” is not licensed to perform basic financial services in Angola.

The company with the Tax Identification Number (NIF) 5000250660, in active state, is located in Cacuaco municipality,Luanda, on Salinas’s street on the right, next to "Emílio Farma" pharmacy, according to a BNA publication accessed by ANGOP on Friday. 

The firm provides basic financial services, such as opening bank accounts, safes and provision of payment instruments (credit and debit cards), provision of international trust bank accounts to guarantee the execution of contracts. 

It also provides custodian bank accounts and for securities portfolios of financial instruments and company restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, among other services. 

In this regard, the BNA appealed to banking financial institutions and the public in general to refrain from establishing any business relationship with Secarip.

On the other hand, BNA appeals to the promoters to refrain from committing acts that could be qualified as a very serious contravention, provided for and punishable under paragraph a) of Article 387 of Law 14/21 of 19 May - Law on the General Regime of Financial Institutions. 

The Central Bank also notes that the use of non-qualified entities may result in serious damage to customers, as these entities are not subject to information duties and prudential limits that safeguard the interests of the consumer and the stability of the financial system. 

The BNA warns the general public interested in entering into a contractual relationship to check whether the entity is qualified to conduct the type of financial operation involved, by accessing the list of authorised institutions on the website

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