Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

National Bank of Angola reopens representation in Ndalatando

  • Luanda • Monday, 18 November de 2024 | 10h13
Estrutura do BNA no Cuanza-Norte, reabilitada a 71 por cento
Estrutura do BNA no Cuanza-Norte, reabilitada a 71 por cento
Estêvão Manuel

Ndalatando – The province of Cuanza-Norte will have representation from the National Bank of Angola in the first half of 2025, the governor of the Central bank, Manuel Tiago Dias, said today.

The BNA representation in Cuanza-Norte, whose facilities are undergoing rehabilitation and modernization, will operate in the old structure of the institution that has been inoperative since the 1990s, located in the city center.

The governor provided this information at the end of the visit to the BNA facilities in Cuanza-Norte, whose rehabilitation and modernization works are in the order of 71 percent physical execution and 82 percent financial execution.

The institution will have several services for citizens, commercial agents, businesspeople, including the installation of 10 automated teller machines (ATM), which will contribute to relieving congestion of these services in Ndalatando.

The implementation of regional representations of the institution in the country aims, in addition to bringing other services to the provinces, to reduce the costs of commercial banks when traveling to Central, in Luanda.

Manuel Tiago Dias explained that with the entry into operation of the BNA in Cuanza-Norte, deposits and withdrawals of relevant amounts can be made locally, without the need to travel, reducing costs with transport, security and other services.

In addition to the Provincial Finance Delegation, the province of Cuanza-Norte has services from the commercial banks BAI, BCI, Millennium Atlántico, Sol, BIC and BFA.

Manuel Tiago Dias, accompanied by a delegation from the institution, has been x-raying the sector he heads since Friday, with emphasis on the rehabilitation works at the BNA facilities in Ndalatando.

On Saturday, the BNA delegation visited some farms that benefited from credit.

Today (Monday) the Monetary Policy Committee is scheduled to meet, the body responsible for formulating the country's monetary and exchange rate policy. EFM/IMA/YD/DOJ

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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...