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Angolan appointed African Bank executive director

  • Luanda • Thursday, 21 July de 2022 | 18h39
João Gimbi has been appointed executive director of the AfDB
João Gimbi has been appointed executive director of the AfDB

Luanda - Angolan João Luís Gimbi has been appointed executive director of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) for Southern Africa, for a three-year term.

Appointed during the Annual Meetings of the AfDB Group, which took place in June this year, Luís Gimbi replaces the Namibian Judith Kateera, who is ending her three-year mission taking care of the institution's interests in Angola, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Namibia.


Luís Gimbi is staff of the Angolan Ministry of Finance, from whom the incumbent minister, Vera Daves, expects to have more assistance from the bank for the improvement of the portfolio of government projects, as well as greater support for the development of the private sector.


Luís Gimbi's main task will be to provide oversight and strategic direction to the Group, looking out for the interests of each country and the bank itself.


Luis Gimbi was previously appointed senior advisor of the AfDB in 2016 for a three-year term. In 2019 he held the position of alternate executive director, within the Group.


Angola’s Finance minister said it is an honour for the country to hold the position of executive director within an international institution, such as the AfDB Group.


In Angola, the Group's investment portfolio is 1. 024 billion dollars for the implementation of 10 projects related to energy, agriculture, water and sanitation.


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