Angola confirms presence at Expo 2025 in Japan

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 02 July de 2024 | 01h53
Comissária geral, Albina Assis (à dir.) e Comissária adjunta, Neusa Dias dos Santos na reunião do IPM em Nara no Japão
Comissária geral, Albina Assis (à dir.) e Comissária adjunta, Neusa Dias dos Santos na reunião do IPM em Nara no Japão

Luanda - Angola recently confirmed, in Japan, its presence at Expo 2025, taking place from April 13th to October 13th next year, in the cities of Osaka and Kansai of this Asian country, under the motto 'Designing the future society for our lives'.

This fact was expressed by the Angolan delegation, led by the general commissioner of Angola for Expo 2025, Albina Assis, who participated, on the 25th and 26th of June, in the 3rd International Participants Meeting (IPM), in the city of Nara, in Japan.

According to a press release to which ANGOP had access today, the organizers of the event announced that 161 countries and nine international organizations have already been confirmed, including the United Nations, African Union, European Union, International Red Cross Movement, ASEAN Secretariat, among others.

For this event, Angola chose the theme “Educating the community for a better future” for its Pavilion, with the subthemes “Saving lives” and “Empowering lives”, while the slogan is “Education for health”.

According to the document, the theme of Angola was chosen in 2021, by the general commissioner, Albina Assis, given the country's condition is still on the path to development, with overcoming challenges for a better future, in the areas of health, education, technology, among others, aiming at sustainability.

Regarding the 3rd International Participant Meeting (IPM), the Angolan Interministerial Commission for Expo 2025 Osaka and Kansai, in Japan, held several observation sessions that served to obtain clarifications about the event to be held next year.

According to the note, this meeting was also marked by interviews given by the Angolan general commissioner, with emphasis on the interview carried out by Tokyo Television, where entities linked to the organization of the Expo were present, whose main objective was the motivation and confirmation of Participation of Angola at the event, as well as expectations about socioeconomic relations between both countries.

Parallel to the IPM, a meeting of the 161 general commissioners of the participating countries also took place, with a view to appointing 28 members of the Steering Committee, which includes representatives of different continental areas such as Africa, Asia and Europe.

The activity of this Committee will allow for regular discussions with the organization of Expo 2025 Osaka and Kansai on various issues related to the management of this event. HM/QCB/DOJ

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