Angola presents report on implementation of SDGs in July

  • Luanda • Thursday, 24 June de 2021 | 17h52
State Secretary for Planning, Milton Reis
State Secretary for Planning, Milton Reis
Clemente dos santos

Luanda – The State Secretary for Planning, Milton Reis said this Thursday in Luanda that Angola will present in July, this year, its first voluntary report on the implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 agenda.

The report will be released at the forum of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc/UN), showing the Government's commitment to the execution of the National Development Plan (NDP 2018-2022), which is having an impact on achieving the SDGs of the UN 2030 Agenda.


Milton Reis informed that the document is concluded, resulting from work carried out within the scope of the monitoring platform of the SDGs, which integrates the Government, civil society, the United Nations system and other cooperation institutions. 


“The result of this work is reflected in the first voluntary national report, which Angola will present at the Ecosoc high-level forum, particularly where we are, in terms of implementing the 2030 Agenda, of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals,” he said. 


The secretary of state explained that, for this 2021 Ecosoc forum, around 10 countries will present their national voluntary reports, because the others already submit reports almost every year. 


"We have to continue to present our reports, to show what Angola is doing within the scope of the SDGs to fulfill the great slogan of not leaving anyone behind", stressed the official, during the usual biweekly briefing of the Ministry of Economy and Planning (MEP). 


He also underlined that from the 17th to the 24th of June 2021, the MEP, in the field of Planning, was essentially dedicated to two themes, namely the Annual National Development Plan (ANDP) 2022 and the Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) - strengthening technical and institutional capacity, management and recovery of solid waste from the Mulenvos Sanitary Landfill. 


As for the Annual National Development Plan 2022 (ANDP-2022), he informed that the bodies of the National Planning System continue to work, with the methodological support of the MEP, and the process of analysis and processing of data relating to activities in support of development and public investment projects identified for the preparation of the 2022 Annual Plan. 


The NDP-2022 aims to materialize the goals established in all actions of the NDP 2018-2022 and constitutes the programmatic basis for the 2022 General State Budget. 


Regarding public-private partnerships, Milton Reis said that, in the context of strengthening technical and institutional capacity, training on the matter, promoted by the MEP, in coordination with the African Development Bank (ADB) ended on June 23 . 


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