National Assembly approves General State Account for 2022

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 13 August de 2024 | 18h47
Parlamento aprova nova Lei de Segurança Nacional
Parlamento aprova nova Lei de Segurança Nacional
Joaquina Bento-ANGOP

Luanda - Deputies to the National Assembly approved on Tuesday, the Opinion Report of the General State Account for the 2022 fiscal year, with 106 votes in favor, 67 against and five abstentions.

Approved during the seventh extraordinary plenary meeting of the AN, the document brings together 30 recommendations addressed to the Executive, with a view to improving accountability and budget execution.

Among the main recommendations are the reduction of the public debt ratio to a value equal to or less than 60% of GDP, the improvement of public expenditure management, through the efficient allocation of public resources, the prioritization of the productive sector, as well as the strengthening programs to insert people into income-generating activities and actions to promote micro-development.

The General State Account comprises the accounts of all central and local State administration bodies, services and institutes, autonomous funds, as well as sovereign bodies.

The social sector benefited by 22% with 3.58 billion kwanzas, followed by the defense and security sector with 2.0 billion kwanzas (13%), the general public services sector 2.1 billion and the economic sector with 1.3 billion kwanzas.   

Presentation of the joint opinion report of the General State Account for the 2022 fiscal year was made by deputy João Muhembo, from the 5th committee. VC/DOJ

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