Angola’s export promotion agency signs agreement with Portuguese counterpart

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 28 May de 2024 | 15h21
AIPEX e AICEP assinam Declaração de Parceria
AIPEX e AICEP assinam Declaração de Parceria

Luanda – Angola Private Investment and Export Promotion Agency (AIPEX) and Portuguese Agency for Investment and Foreign Trade (AICEP) signed on Monday in Lisbon, a partnership agreement for the exchange of good practices in business missions.

Signed by AIPEX’s and AICEP CEO, Arlindo Rangel, and Filipe Costa respectively, the agreement aims to improve cooperation mechanisms between the two, according to ANGOP.

On the occasion, the AIPEX CEO said that strengthening the partnership marks a strong commitment between the two institutions and cooperation between the respective countries.

Filipe Costa on his turn emphasized the history of relations, considering it to be long and constantly deepening.

An AIPEX delegation has been working in Portugal since Monday, its program includes several activities, the delegation took part in a round table on the challenges of good practice in the agro-food and infrastructure sectors and ‘witnessed’ the presentation of the main conclusions of the study on the experience of promoting exports and attracting investment in these two states.

The action is supported by the European Union-Angola Dialogue Facility, aimed at strengthening public policies in the area of economic growth and sustainable development, as well as supporting the country's economic diversification efforts. OPF/VC/AMP


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