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Agriculture “absorbs” about 3 million families in Angola

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 27 November de 2024 | 01h41
Agricultura familiar no Huambo
Agricultura familiar no Huambo
Carlos Matias-ANGOP

Luanda – According to the Minister of State for Economic Coordination, José de Lima Massano, around 3.000.000 families live off agriculture across the country, a fact that contributes to the increase in agricultural production in Angola.

When responding to the concerns of deputies to the National Assembly, during the meeting that assessed the Angolan productive sector, which took place on Tuesday, as part of the debate on the 2025 General State Budget, the government official said that, for next year, the Executive will focus on supporting peasant families, with water projects, mainly in the country's south region, to increased production.

He also said that the country has around 100 companies linked to logistics, which operate in the collection of products from production areas to consumption areas.

He recognized that there are still concerns among farmers, such as access to inputs and product flow.

"The inputs are still expensive and the quantities made available are not sufficient, but, in the current campaign, we organized ourselves in order to not have the previous years' pressure, when it was time to start the agricultural year and we did not have seeds and fertilizers", he stressed.

He also highlighted support for training agricultural families, noting that the country has around 8,500 field schools.

He also mentioned that, within the framework of the adjustment in 2025, of Gesterra's (Strategic Company for the promotion of agribusiness and development) mission, the country will have more means to support and open production areas.

José de Lima Massano also made it known that, within the scope of the program to promote national production, in the specific case of food, the mapping of the silo network for the country is being carried out, in order to guarantee that in areas of greater production there can exist such storage structures and conservation capacity.

The minister of Agriculture and Forestry, Isaac dos Anjos, appealed to businesspeople to set up factories producing agricultural materials, such as hoes, pickaxes, among others.

The effort being made, he said, is to increase the amount of production and enhance the value of peasant families.

In turn, the secretary of State for Water, António Balsa da Costa, highlighted the installation of pre-paid meters, 175k for water supply and 89k for energy, within the scope of 2025-General State Budget.

Among other actions, the 2025-General State Budget proposal plans to massify the consumption of goods and services produced in national territory, establishing the Legal Regime for Incentives to National Production, through the vehicle of contracting public entities.

This Budget foresees a growth in the national economy of around 4.14% and a reduction in VAT on production equipment, from the current 14% to 5%, maintaining the payment period introduced in 2023 of up to 24 months.

The document also includes measures to support investment in food security, through the restructuring and dynamization of the cereals and grains sector, strengthening agricultural mechanization, fundamentally with regard to family agricultural production.

The 2025-General State Budget estimates revenues and expenses in the order of Akz 34.633.790.087.312 (US$37.901.141.844).

This proposal was prepared on the basis of an oil price of US$70/barrel and an oil production of 1,098,000 barrels of oil daily, predicting lower inflation in the order of 16.6%, relative to the inflation rate accumulated 23.4% expected until the end of 2024.



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A pesquisar. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...