Mbanza Kongo Administrator invites entrepreneurs to invest in the hotel sector

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 18 June de 2024 | 12h07
Administrador Municipal de Mbanza Kongo, Manuel Nsiansoki Gomes
Administrador Municipal de Mbanza Kongo, Manuel Nsiansoki Gomes
João Lundoloka-ANGOP

Mbanza Kongo – The municipal administrator of Mbanza Kongo, Zaire province, Manuel Nsiansoki Gomes, invited this third fair, this city, national and foreign businessmen to invest in the hotel sector of the constituency.

In statements to ANGOP, the manager said that the Municipal Administration has open doors to accommodate all entrepreneurs who will express interest in investing in this sector, with a view to promoting tourism in the World Heritage city.

He acknowledged the reduced installed capacity that the provincial headquarters municipality has in terms of hotel and similar units, but again appealed to investors to reverse this picture.

“We are open to the cession of spaces or land for the establishment of hotels here in our municipality. Therefore, we are inviting business agents to address their projects to Mbanza Kongo, which is a city still virgin in terms of hotel units,” he expressed.

Manuel Nsiansoki Gomes, on the other hand, said investors who intend to build hotel units in the region will not encounter difficulties in terms of supply of electricity and drinking water as the city of Mbanza Kongo has these services 24 hours a day.

“There is no bureaucracy to present this type of project for our city. The process of issuing location sketches and occupation surveys is successful,” he stressed.

Available data indicate that in the city of Mbanza Kongo there is a hotel network composed of four hotels, seven guesthouses and eight guesthouses, making a total of 354 rooms. JL/DOJ

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