Luanda Academy trains 720 young entrepreneurs

  • Luanda • Monday, 20 May de 2024 | 09h42
Fachada da Academia do Empreendedor de Luanda
Fachada da Academia do Empreendedor de Luanda
Manuel Zamba

Ramiros – A number of 720 young people, mostly female, have benefited from training at the Luanda Entrepreneur Academy (AEL), from 2021 to date, said the institution's director Sandra Batalha, last weekend.

Speaking to ANGOP about the academy's activity, the manager reiterated its commitment to working towards the country's development, contributing to the empowerment of young people, through the creation and management of small businesses.

She made it known that the beneficiaries were trained in the areas of technology and communication, arts and crafts, languages, as well as entrepreneurship.

The institution also offers courses in graphic design, cutting and sewing, micro and small business management, cooking, pastry and video production.

To complement the training “grid”, she said, the academy recently signed a cooperation agreement with the Chinese company Huawei, which, in the 1st phase, is expected to train 350 citizens in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs).

Sandra Batalha was speaking as part of yet another AEL anniversary, marked with an entrepreneur fair, in addition to other activities. On April 29th, the institution celebrated its third year of existence.

Located in the municipality of Talatona, urban district of Benfica, the Luanda Entrepreneur Academy aims to train and create lines that facilitate access to opportunities, obtaining financing and investment for trainees to set up a company.

AEL has the support of the National Institute of Employment and Professional Training (INEFOP).


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