Amputee Football World Cup vice-champions return to Luanda

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 12 October de 2022 | 12h34
Governor of Luanda Manuel Homem and minister of youth and sports Palmira Barbosa welcome world Paralympic vice champions
Governor of Luanda Manuel Homem and minister of youth and sports Palmira Barbosa welcome world Paralympic vice champions
Marcelino Camões

Luanda – National Amputee Football Team returned to Luanda, after reaching the second position in the world championship held in Turkey.

Upon arrival, at 4 de Fevereiro Airport, thousands of citizens, including family members, supporters and onlookers, lined up along Ho Chi Min Avenue, welcoming the achievement and arrival in the country.

Transported in a huge van, the National Team followed the Prenda viaduct, Nova Marginal, to the Fortaleza, where the tribute to the runners-up is held.

The Minister of Youth and Sports, Palmira Barbosa, the provincial governor of Luanda, Manuel Homem, the president of the Angolan Paralympic Committee (CPA), Leonel da Rocha Pinto, and the Minister of State for the Social Area, Dalva Ringote are among the entities that will honour the team.

The National Team lost this Sunday to their counterpart of Turkey by 1-4, in the final, becoming runner-up, as happened in 2014, in the city of Culiacan, Mexico.


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