Retrospective 2022: Sport marked by good and bad times

  • Luanda • Sunday, 25 December de 2022 | 10h07
Relva do Estádio 11 de Novembro recebe novo tratamento
Relva do Estádio 11 de Novembro recebe novo tratamento
Alberto Donga

Luanda - Sport recorded a mix of good and bad times in 2022, due to the results on the pitch, legislation and infrastructure, mainly the continued deterioration of the 11 de Novembro stadium, in Luanda.

In the year that is now ending, football assumes relevance, as it is the “queen” category, despite having been out of major international competitions and suffering many domestic downturns, causing a feeling of inertia.

Since the last time that Angola participated in a World Cup, held in Germany in 2006, and participated in the African Championship, in Egypt in 2019, after a “sabbatical” period, Angola is expected to take part in dispute of CHAN, in January 2023, in Algeria, a tournament for players who evolve in their respective countries.

The sport was saved by the National Amputee Team after they won, for the second time, a silver medal in the World Championship, played last September, in Istanbul (Turkey), where the team conceded 1-4 defeat in the final against the host.

This result came after Angola’s win in 2018, in Mexico, where they coincidentally beat Turkey 5-4, on penalties.

In the previous event, in 2014, Angola was runner-up, losing in the final to Russia (1-3).

Internally, Petro de Luanda made it to the group stage of the African Champions League, unlike 1.º de Agosto and Sagrada Esperança from Lunda Norte, prematurely eliminated from the League and Confederation Cup respectively.

Still in football, marked by two strikes by referees, for financial reasons, it is also worth highlighting the postponement, to next year, of the implementation of the Football League, despite the governing body, led by Alves Simões, having already taken office.

Handball saves Angolan honor If in the so-called “queen” sport the year does not end in the best way, Angolans saw, in the same period, the junior and senior female handball teams, as well as the senior female team of 1.º de Agosto win the gold on the continent.

Indeed, the conquests began in February, in Conakry (Guinea), with the junior women's team snatching the African ten-time championship, relegating Egypt to second place.

Before the appearance of the senior women's team, 1.º de Agosto club won their seventh title in the women's African Champions League.

The “red and black” beat, in the final, Petro, also from Angola, in an event held in Hammamet (Tunisia).

The year closed, with the senior women's team winning, in November, the 15th African title by beating, in the final, Cameroon, 29-19, in Dakar (Senegal).

Region V Games

Angola ranked second in the Region V Games, which ended at the beginning of this month, in Lilongwe (Malawi).

The country won 45 medals, including 18 gold, 14 silver and 13 bronze.

In the event, judo was the most productive, with nine gold, five silver and four bronze medals, followed by basketball, with four gold, taekwondo, with three gold and two silver, adapted athletics with two gold, an equal number of silver and one bronze, and swimming with three silver and four bronze.

The national representation was only surpassed by South Africa, with 114 medals, of which 62 gold, 30 silver and 22 bronze, improving the overall classification, compared to the third of the 2021 edition, in Maseru (Lesotho).

Basketball with lackluster performance

 In basketball, highlight for Petro de Luanda's second position in the African League. The Angolan champion lost 72-83 to US Monastir from Tunisia in the final held in May.

Led by the Brazilian José Neto, who won the title of best coach in the continental competition, the team lost  72-83. In the previous competition they were third overall.

Steady-step sport

Throughout the year, there were also positive results in swimming, judo, jiu-jitsu, taekwando, karate, mixed martial arts (MMA), kick-boxing and bodybuilding.

Inelton Bombo, in grappling style (84kg), won the silver medal at the World Fight Championship, held in October, in Pontevedra (Spain).

High Performance Center

In terms of infrastructure, highlight is the construction of a High Performance Center for Paralympic Sports in Bengo province , called “José Sayovo”, with the capacity to accommodate 250 athletes from various sports. The construction of football stadiums in Uíge and Huambo was also announced.

On the negative side, attention was drawn to the gradual degradation of the 11 de Novembro stadium, built in Luanda, in the Camama area, to host several matches of the 2010 African Cup of Nations.

High Performance Center

In terms of infrastructure, highlight is the construction of a High Performance Center for Paralympic Sports in Bengo province, called “José Sayovo”, with the capacity to accommodate 250 athletes from various sports. The construction of football stadiums in Uíge and Huambo was also announced.

On the negative side, attention was drawn to the gradual degradation of the 11 de Novembro stadium, built in Luanda, in the Camama area, to host several matches of the 2010 African Cup of Nations.

With capacity for 50,000 spectators, the largest stadium in the country is struggling with problems of flooding, cracks in the walls and foundations, due to maintenance that was never proportionate to the technical and structural requirements, which resulted in it being banned from hosting games.

In two months, the new Minister of Youth and Sports, Palmira Barbosa, from the Executive created after the August 2022 general elections, visited the complex twice.

The infrastructure is in a desolate state, with the grass, doors, materials in dressing rooms as well as electricity damaged.

Anti-doping law

The National Assembly approved in February the Anti-Doping Law, with a view to ensuring cleaner sport, as well as the post-career Social Protection of Athletes.

The law establishes that all athletes are obliged to submit to doping control, as well as the inherent penalties, ranging from suspension, irradiation to criminal, in the case of guilt. As for the Professional Sportsperson Social Protection Regime in Angola, the law, drawn up by the Ministries of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security (MAPTSS) and Youth and Sports (MINJUD), with the contribution of sports associations, puts an end to a legislative insufficiency of long standing and concern of athletes.

Sports leadership

In this segment, there was the rise of the current president of the Angolan Football Federation (FAF), Artur Almeida e Silva, at the head of COSAFA, an organisation in the Southern African region, while Leonel da Rocha Pinto has been elected president of the African Amputee Football Confederation.

Former judoka Antónia de Fátima "Faia" assumes the position of deputy director of the field of education and training of the African Confederation of Discipline.


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