Coach Miller summons U-23 football team, ahead of CAN2023

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 14 September de 2022 | 17h46
Coach Miller Gomes
Coach Miller Gomes
António Escrivão

Luanda – Coach Miller Gomes summoned Wednesday Angola’s U-23 pre-national football team, ahead of qualifiers for access to the CAN2023 category, in Morocco.

Angola will face Namibia on September 21. A return match will be played on 24 September at“11 de Novembro” Stadium in Luanda.

Petro de Luanda provided 10 players to the squad, followed by 1º de Agosto and Bravos do Maquis, both with six each.

Check below the list of summoned athletes:

Vicente, Natan, Maquina, Saidy, Cambila (goalkeepers) Danilson, Pedro, Mindinho, Gege, Sistema, Hossi, Aldair, Diogenes, Rúben, Tiago, António Lopes, Simão, Capreco, Fredy, Caica (defenders).

The list includes Sandro, Ary, Nguevito, Enoque, Higino, Maya, Beny, Maestro, Domingos, Benvindo (midfielders) Gilberto, Joy, Bito, Melono, Bem Arfa, Evandro, Beto, Jaime, Gladilson, Picas and Capita (forwards) .


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