Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

UNESCO urges schools to play a vital role in environment

  • Luanda • Thursday, 30 January de 2025 | 11h26
Representante da UNESCO em Angola, Alexandre de Sousa
Representante da UNESCO em Angola, Alexandre de Sousa
Inácio Sabino-ANGOP

Sumbe - The Permanent Secretary of UNESCO in Angola, Alexandre Costa, on Thursday in Sumbe, Cuanza-Sul Province, urged schools to play a vital role in preserving the environment, using innovation and disseminating good practices.

Alexandre Costa, who was speaking at the opening of the cycle of training in environmental education under the motto “Protect the environment today so that you can live tomorrow", emphasized that the vital role of schools is to promote and shape the values of citizenship in children, adolescents and young people.

This action influences the surrounding community, because preserving the environment means acting in the present to protect the future," he said.

The UNESCO official recalled climate change and emphasized the need for "action at the local and international levels, as it is an important milestone in the mission to build a more sustainable future for all.

Heitor Alfredo, Deputy Provincial Governor of Cuanza Sul for Technology and Infrastructure, on his turn, said that attention should be paid to environmental problems and the importance of preserving natural resources, since it is known that the sources are not inexhaustible.

 We all have to take a position of environmental responsibility, because this is the only way to change the current situation," said Alfredo.

The environmental education project has already been implemented in the provinces of Luanda, Bengo and Cuanza Sul.

For two days, the environmental educators will focus on turtle conservation, biodiversity and the preservation of fauna and the forest. IS/LC/PLB/DAN/AMP


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