Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

INAMET foresees heavy rains in country's several regions

  • Luanda • Thursday, 31 October de 2024 | 13h46
Director-geral do INAMET, João Afonso
Director-geral do INAMET, João Afonso
Zeferino Zinga-ANGOP

Luanda – The general director of the National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics (INAMET), João Afonso, affirmed on Wednesday, in Luanda, that the institution foresees, for the next 3 months, the occurrence of heavy rains in several regions of the country.

According to the official, who spoke at the closing of the First National Forum on Climate Perspectives, with the exception of the Northwest region, during this period the rains, with a tendency to be above average, can also affect the sea coast, mainly in the provinces of Luanda and of Cuanza-Sul, as well as the East and Southeast zone of the country.

For this reason, he appealed to the population to remain vigilant to INAMET's predictions, as well as comply with the recommendations of the Civil Protection and Fire Service, in order to avoid the loss of human life, the destruction of property, among others incidents.

INAMET is the public body responsible for providing meteorological information through monitoring, analysis and prediction of weather and climate, competing with applied research processes.


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