Angola reaffirms effort to protect biodiversity

  • Luanda • Wednesday, 24 July de 2024 | 12h40
Participantes do workshop
Participantes do workshop
Gaspar dos Santos-ANGOP

Talatona - The secretary of State for the Environment, Yuri Santos, reaffirmed this Wednesday, in Luanda, the government's commitment to work on completing projects to protect and restore degraded ecosystems, reversing the loss of biodiversity, based on the 2025-20230 action.

According to the secretary of state, who was speaking at the Contribution Workshop for the Review of the National Biodiversity Strategy and its Action Plan, the plan represents a significant commitment by Angola to achieve the Vision of the Global Biodiversity Framework, established within the scope of the Convention on Biological diversity (CBD).

The protection target, according to him, will be 30% of the territory and restoration of 30% of degraded ecosystems, known as the 30x30 Target, as well as a fundamental step towards ensuring a world in harmony with nature.

According to the government official, by 2050 biodiversity will be valued, conserved, restored and used wisely, maintaining ecosystem services sustained on a healthy planet, in order to provide essential benefits for humanity.

Along these lines, he explained, the workshop aims to establish solid foundations for the strategy to be comprehensive, allowing national goals and actions relevant to the Global Biodiversity Framework to be planned, implemented, monitored, reviewed and improved.

"The involvement of all government sectors, NGOs, local communities, civil society and other partners will be fundamental," he said.

Yuri dos Santos assuured that the contributions of everyone involved are provided with a collective commitment, during the implementation of the actions necessary to achieve the expected results.

Regarding the issue of biodiversity conservation, he said it is of paramount importance and affects all institutions involved, directly or indirectly.

He added that despite the great challenges, the country has made great efforts to preserve biodiversity, one of the richest in the region.

For him, this meeting marks the highest point in charting the path to be followed over the next five years and which also involves defining concrete steps to ensure that the aims are achieved.

He highlighted the objective of leaving a lasting legacy of progress, prosperity and sustainability, promoting a world in harmony with nature, providing essential benefits for all humanity.


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