Ondjiva - Technicians from the Agrarian Development Institute (IDA) in the provinces of Benguela, Cunene and Namibe participate in a seminar on the resilience of family farming, in Ondjiva.
The participants receive, since yesterday, knowledge about the process of agricultural field schools, in an action that involves 39 technicians, including members of development stations, within the scope of a project that aims to guarantee greater sustainability for subsistence agriculture.
During five days, topics on “community organization and economic development”, “natural resource management and climate change”, “responsibility in planning” and “conflict resolution” among others will be covered.
The family farming resilience project is an initiative aimed at promoting sustainable agricultural practices, improving information systems for food security, monitoring animal health, as well as diversifying family income.
This includes the acquisition of seeds, training, provision of transport means, construction and rehabilitation of infrastructures, such as offices, residences, warehouses and road accesses.