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Mucoso agricultural perimeter revitalization budgeted at USD 30 million 

  • Luanda • Thursday, 13 March de 2025 | 10h33
Perímetro irrigado do Mucoso na província do Cuanza Norte
Perímetro irrigado do Mucoso na província do Cuanza Norte
Lucas Leitão-ANGOP

Dondo - A total of 30 million US dollars is being invested in the rehabilitation of about 500 hectares of irrigated perimeter, in Angola’s northern Cuanza Norte province, for the large-scale production of fruit, vegetables, cereals and cattle.

The project is being implemented by the Chinese company China Zong Thai Senda, and will revitalize and use the 500-hectare area for the production of fruit, vegetables, cereals and livestock.

According to a representative of China Zong Thai Senda, Santa Rosa Alberto, the Mucoso Irrigation Perimeter will be used for aquaculture and the initial rearing of more than a thousand head of cattle, pigs and goats.

Without giving an annual production forecast, Santa Alberto guaranteed that the start of operations in 2026 would contribute to food self-sufficiency in the province and beyond, and create more than a thousand jobs, especially for local young people.

However, according to the source, the investor is encountering difficulties in implementing the project due to the invasion of large areas of farmland by people, the destruction of crops, sabotage and damage to irrigation equipment and other support materials.

She added that agreements were being negotiated to relocate the families and give the new company the right to operate the perimeter for a period of 20 years.

After more than 20 years of inactivity, the Mucoso irrigation perimeter was rehabilitated for the first time in 2012, but three years later it was again inactive due to the bankruptcy of the management company.

Following a project launched by the Ministry of Agriculture, a new programme to revitalise the area was approved in July 2024 and is currently underway.

Santa Alberto said the appointment of the new company by the Ministry of Agriculture is due to the bankruptcy of SOPIR (the previous manager), which left the area "completely abandoned", followed by the sabotage of the technical and technological means installed there three years ago.

The Mucoso Irrigated Perimeter is a region with great agricultural potential and a favorable climate for the large-scale, year-round production of vegetables, fruit (bananas, mangoes, lemons, oranges and mandarins), sugar cane and livestock. LJ/IMA/YD/AMP

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