About 25 tons of wheat expected from Humpata

  • Luanda • Monday, 26 August de 2024 | 15h56
Experimentação do cultivo do trigo na cooperativa Oshakatikamwe em Namacunde
Experimentação do cultivo do trigo na cooperativa Oshakatikamwe em Namacunde
Pedro Manuel-ANGOP

Lubango - Thirty-five associations of peasants and individual farmers in the municipality of Humpata, in Angola’s southern Huíla province, plan to harvest 25 tons of wheat by October this year, as part of the program to relaunch and promote cereal production in the region.

These are peasant associations made up of 35 to 40 farmers from the communes of Neves, Caholo and the municipality's headquarters, who have launched, on an experimental basis, cultivation on small plots since May.

Speaking to ANGOP, Humpata's director of agriculture, Flora Fernandes, highlighted that the municipality, in the 1970s, was considered the breadbasket of wheat in the region and the objective now is to gradually recover that place, starting with family farming, as there are climatic conditions for large-scale production.

According to the director, for this purpose, the Humpata Municipal Administration received 10 tons of wheat seed from the Huíla Provincial Agriculture Office and they were distributed to 35 peasant associations.

 The Municipality of Humpata is located at an altitude of 1,937 meters, it is limited to the North by the municipality of Lubango, to the East by Chibia, to the South by Virei and to the West by Bibala, the latter two in Namibe.

The municipality has a total population of 120,772 inhabitants, mostly made up of the Nyaneka ethnolinguistic group with a strong Ovamwila predominance.

It is served by an underground and surface hydrographic network with constant flow, its lands are fertile, with the production of fruits and roots being the essential activity. BP/MS/DOJ

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