Pesquisando. PF Aguarde 👍🏽 ...

Vanjul farm harvests over 300 tons of grains

  • Luanda • Tuesday, 30 March de 2021 | 14h18
Campo de cultivo de milho
Campo de cultivo de milho
Fabiana Hitalukua

Ondjiva - At least 316 tonnes of maize, millet and beans will start being harvested in May on Vanjul farm, located in Calunga commune, 195 kilometres off Ondjiva, Cunene province.

Currently 70 hectares of massango are under rainfed production and 50 hectares of maize, 16 of beans, as well as 10 hectares of other crops such as tomato, onion, potato, cauliflower and cabbage are under irrigation.

In a statement to Angop, the owner of the farm, António Kachimano, said that the undertaking occupied an area of around 250 hectares and employed 86 workers.

It prioritises maize production, with a harvest of 1,600 tonnes per season.

According to the farmer, the region's farmers are betting on grain production, in order to phase out the drought and hunger situation in the region.

Farmers clamour for improvement of Xangongo/Canganda section

Agriculture businessmen in Canganda complain about the bad state of the road that connects the town of Xangongo to the farming area, as well as the lack of electric power to support the production equipment.

Francisco Lumbamba said that despite the potential, due to the lack of conditions in the circulation, in the dirt road section, of over 90 kilometres, diverted from National Road Nº105, in Xangongo, the investors have been facing many losses.

"We ask the government to support us with the rehabilitation of the very bumpy road, because if that doesn't happen it will be difficult for us to survive in the activity," he vented.


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