Patunga Farm harvests around 400 tons of products in Matala

  • Luanda • Monday, 09 September de 2024 | 15h55
Colheita da produção agrícola na Matala
Colheita da produção agrícola na Matala
Morais Silva - ANGOP

Matala - More than 390 tons of various products are scheduled to be harvested by the end of October, at the Patunga Farm, which has been exploiting fertile land for five years in the Irrigated Perimeter of the Municipality of Matala, and whose harvest began to be extracted in August this year.

In total, 90 workers, 20 of whom are permanent and the rest seasonally work on harvesting vegetables, legumes and tubers, according to the farm manager, Jacob Menezes Tchalengua, who said it is the largest production ever of the farm.

Speaking as part of a visit that the municipal administrator of Matala, Manuel Quilende, made to the farm, he informed that it is expected to harvest more than 280 tons of potatoes, 30 tons of garlic and 80 tons of beans.

He pointed out that the production already has buyers and some tons will be reserved for seed, ensuring the continuity of production for the next agricultural season.

However, Menezes Tchalengua asked for financial support for the acquisition of mechanized means.

The Matala Irrigated Perimeter, the largest in the country, is supported by a 42-kilometer canal, which irrigates more than 10,000 hectares, making it one of the main agricultural centers in Huíla province.

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